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weregild for a father

  • 1 föður-bætr

    f. pl. weregild for a father, Fms. ii. 109, Hkr. iii. 387.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > föður-bætr

  • 2 föðurbœtr

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > föðurbœtr

  • 3 BRÓÐIR

    (gen., dat., and acc. bróður, pl. brœðr), m.
    2) friar.
    * * *
    gen. dat. acc. bróður; pl. nom. acc. bræðr, gen. bræðra, dat. bræðrum: in mod. common usage irregular forms occur, as gen. sing. bróðurs; nom. sing., and gen. dat. acc. are also sometimes confounded, esp. in keeping the nom. form bróðir through all cases, or even the reverse (but rarely) in taking bróður as a nom.; another irregularity is acc. pl. with the article, bræður-nar instead of bræður-na, which latter form only survives in writing, the former in speaking. There is besides an obsolete poetical monosyllabic form brœðr, in nom. dat. acc. sing. and nom. acc. pl.; gen. sing. bræðrs; cp. such rhymes as brœðr—œðri, in a verse of Einar Skúlason (died about 1170); bræðr (dat.) Sinfjötla, Hkv. 2. 8, as nom. sing., Fagrsk. 54, v. l. (in a verse), etc., cp. Lex. Poët. This form is very rare in prose, vide however Nj., Lat. Vers. Johnsonius, 204, 333, v. 1., and a few times in Stj., e. g. síns bræðr, sinn bræðr, 160; it seems to be a Norse form, but occurs now and then in Icel. poetry even of the 15th century, e. g. bræðr nom. sing. rhymes with ræðr, Skáld H. 3. 11, G. H. M. ii. 482, but is quite strange to the spoken language: [Gr. φράτηρ; Lat. frāter; Goth. brôþar; A. S. brôðar; Engl. brother; Germ. bruder; Swed.-Dan. broder, pl. brödre]:—a brother: proverbs referring to this word—saman er bræðra eign bezt at sjá, Gísl. 17; einginn or annars bróðir í leik; móður-bræðrum verða menn líkastir, Bs. i. 134: a distinction is made between b. samfeðri or sammæðri, a brother having the same father or mother, Grág. i. 170 sqq.: in mod. usage more usual al-bróðir, brother on both sides; hálf-bróðir, a half-brother; b. skilgetinn, frater germanus móður-bróðir, a mother’s brother; föður-bróðir, a father’s brother, uncle; afa-bróðir, a grand-uncle on the father’s side; ömmu bróðir, a grand-uncle on the mother’s side; tengda-bróðir, a brother-in-law: in familiar talk an uncle is called ‘brother,’ and an aunt ‘sister.’ The ties of brotherhood were most sacred with the old Scandinavians; a brotherless man was a sort of orphan, cp. the proverb, berr er hverr á baki nema sér bróður eigi; to revenge a brother’s slaughter was a sacred duty; nú tóku þeir þetta fastmælum, at hvárr þeirra skal hefna annars eðr eptir mæla, svá sem þeir sé sambornir bræðr, Bjarn. 58: the word bróðurbani signifies a deadly foe, with whom there can be no truce, Hm. 88, Sdm. 35, Skm. 16, Hdl. 28; instances from the Sagas, Dropl. S. (in fine), Heiðarv. S. ch. 22 sqq., Grett. S. ch. 50. 92 sqq., E ch. 23, Ld. ch. 53 sqq., etc. The same feeling extended to foster-brotherhood, after the rite of blending blood has been performed; see the graphical descriptions in Fbr. S. (the latter part of the Saga), Gísl. ch. 14 sqq., etc. The universal peace of Fróði in the mythical age is thus described, that ‘no one will draw the sword even if he finds his brother’s slayer bound,’ Gs. verse 6; of the slaughter preceding and foreboding the Ragnarök ( the end of the world) it is said, that brothers will fight and put one another to death, Vsp. 46.
    II. metaph.:
    1. in a heathen sense; fóst-bróðir, foster-brother, q. v.; eið-bróðir, svara-bróðir, ‘oath-brother;’ leik-bróðir, play-brother, play-fellow: concerning foster-brothership, v. esp. Gísl. ii, Fbr., Fas. iii. 375 sqq., Hervar. S., Nj. 39, Ls. 9, the phrase, blanda blóði saman.
    2. in a Christian sense, brother, brethren, N. T., H. E., Bs.
    β. a brother, friar; Svörtu-bræðr, Blackfriars; Berfættu-bræðr, q. v.; Kórs-bræðr, Fratres Canonici, Bs., etc.
    I. sing., bróður-arfr, m. a brother’s inheritance, Orkn. 96, Fms. ix. 444. bróður-bani, a, m. a brother’s bane, fratricide, Ld. 236, Fms. iii. 21, vide above. bróðiir-baugr, m. weregild due to the brother, N. G. L. i. 74. bróður-blóð, n. a brother’s blood, Stj. 42. Gen. iv. 10. bróður-bætr, f. pl. weregild for a brother, Lv. 89. bróður-dauði, a, m. a brother’s death, Gísl. 24. bróður-deild, f. = bróðurhluti, Fr. bróður-dóttir, f. a brother’s daughter, niece, Grág. i. 170, Nj. 177; bróðurdóttur son, a brother’s son, N. G. L. i. 76. bróður-dráp, n. the slaying of a brother, Stj. 43, Fms. v. 290. bróður-gildr, adj. equal in right (inheritance) to a brother, Fr. bróður-gjöld, n. pl. = bróður-bætr, Eg. 312. bróður-hefnd, f. revenge for the slaying of a brother, Sturl. ii. 68. bróður-hluti, a, m. the share (as to weregild or inheritance) of a brother, Grág. ii. 175. bróður-kona, u, f. a brother’s wife, K. Á. 142. bróöur-kván, f. id., N. G. L. i. 170. bróður-lóð, n. a brother’s share of inheritance. bróður-son, m. a brother’s son, nephew, Nj. 122, Grág. i. 171, Gþl. 239, 240; bróðursona-baugr, Grág. ii. 179.
    II. pl., bræðra-bani, v. bróðurbani, Fbr. 165. bræðra-búr, n. a friar’s bower in a monastery, Dipl. v. 18. bræðra-börn, n. pl. cousins (agnate), Gþl. 245. bræðra-dætr, f. pl. nieces(of brothers), Gþl. 246. bræðra-eign, f. property of brothers, Gísl. 17. bræðra-garðr, m. a ‘brothers-yard,’ monastery, D. N. bræðra-lag, n. fellowship of brethren, in heathen sense = fóstbræðralag, Hkr. iii. 300; of friars, H. E., D. I.; brotherhood, Pass. 9. 6. bræðra-mark, n. astron., the Gemini, Pr. 477. bræðra-skáli, a, m. an apartment for friars, Vm. 109. bræðra-skipti, n. division of inheritance among brothers, Hkr. iii. 52, Fas. i. 512. bræðra-synir, m. pl. cousins (of brothers), Gþl. 53.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BRÓÐIR

  • 4 föður-gjöld

    n. pl. weregild for one’s father, Edda 48, Ísl. ii. 216.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > föður-gjöld

  • 5 EPTIR

    prep with dat. and acc.;
    I. with dat.
    1) with verbs of motion, after (ríða, róa, fara, ganga, senda e-m);
    2) denoting the aim and object of many verbs;
    leita, spyrja, frétta, eptir e-u, to search, ask, inquire after;
    líta eptir e-u, to look afler, attend to;
    bíða eptir e-u, to wait for;
    vaka eptir e-m, to sit up waiting for one;
    segja eptir e-m, to report behind one’s back;
    3) following the course of a track, road, etc., along;
    niðr eptir hálsinum, down the hill;
    eptir endilongu, from one end to the other;
    eptir miðju, along the middle;
    4) after, according to, in accordance with (eptir sið þeirra ok lögum);
    hann leiddist eptir fortölum hennar, he was led by her persuasion;
    gekk allt eptir því sem H. hafði sagt, according as H. had said;
    5) denoting proportion, comparison;
    fátt manna eptir því sem hann var vanr, few men in comparison to what he was want to have;
    6) with verbs denoting imitation, indulgence, longing after;
    láta eptir e-m, to indulge one;
    breyta eptir e-m, to imitate;
    7) behind (hann leiddi eptir sér hestinn);
    fundust eptir þeim írskar bœkr, which they had left behind;
    II. with acc.
    1) of time, after, in succession to (vár kom eptir vetr);
    hvern dag eptir annan, one day after the other;
    ár eptir ár, dag eptir dag, year by year, day by day;
    eptir þat, after that, thereafter;
    2) denoting succession, inheritance;
    taka e-t í arf eptir e-n, to inherit from one;
    hann tók konungdóm eptir föður sinn, after his father;
    vita þá skömm eptir sik, to leave such a bad report;
    skaði mikill er eptir menn slíka, there is a great loss in such men;
    III. as adv.
    1) after;
    annat sumar eptir, the second summer after;
    um daginn eptir, the day after;
    eptir um várit, later during the spring;
    eptir koma úsvinnum ráð, the fool is wise when too late;
    2) behind;
    bíða sitja eptir, to wait, stay behind;
    vera, standa eptir, to remain behind, be left;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    skammt get ek eptir þinnar æfi, I guess that little is left of thy life;
    3) before the rel. part., eptir er = eptir þat er, after (ef maðr, andast á þingi eptir er menn eru á braut farnir);
    4) eptir á, afterwards, later on;
    * * *
    better spelt eftir, in common pronunciation ettir, a prep. with dat. and acc. and also used as adv. or ellipt. without a case: an older form ept or eft only occurs in poetry, Skm. 39, 41, Ýt. 2, Edda 91 (in a verse); ept víg, Hkr. i. 349 (in a verse), iii. 50 (Arnór); [cp. Goth. afar; Runic stone in Tune, after; A. S. æft; Engl. after, aft; Swed.-Dan. efter]:—after.
    A. WITH DAT., LOC.; with verbs denoting following, pursuing, or the like; hann reið e. þeim, Eg. 149; hann bar merkit eptir honum, he bore the standard after him, 297; róa e. þeim, to pull after them, Ld. 118; þegar e. Kara, on the heels of Kari, Nj. 202; varð ekki e. honum gengit, none went after him, 270.
    β. with the notion to fetch; senda e. e-m, to send after one, Eb. 22, Nj. 78, Fms. i. 2; ríða í Hornafjörð e. fé yðru, ride to H. after your things, Nj. 63.
    γ. ellipt., viljum vér eigi e. fara, we will not follow after them. Eb. 242; ek mun hlaupa þegar e., Nj. 202.
    2. metaph.,
    α. with verbs denoting to look, stara, líta, sjá, gá, horfa, mæna, etc. e. e-u, to stare, look after a thing while departing, Ísl. ii. 261: leita, spyrja, frétta etc. e. e-u, to ask, ‘speer,’ seek after a thing, Nj. 75, Eg. 155, 686, Fms. i. 71, x. 148, etc.
    β. segja e. e-m, to tell tales, report behind one’s back in a bad sense, 623. 62; þó at ek segða eigi óhapp eptir tengda-mönnum mínum, Sturl. i. 66; sjá e. e-u, to look after, miss a thing, Nj. 75; leggja hug e. e-u, to mind a thing, Ísl. ii. 426; taka e., to mind, mark a thing; ganga e. e-u, to retain a thing, Fms. x. 5.
    γ. verbs denoting to expect; bíða, vænta e. e-u, to expect, wait for a thing; vaka e. e-m, to sit up waiting for one, but vaka yfir e-m, to sit up nursing or watching one, cp. Fas. ii. 535.
    II. denoting along, in the direction of a track, road, or the like; niðr e. hálsinum, down the hill, Fms. iii. 192; út e. firði, stood out along the firth, i. 37; innar e. höllinni, Nj. 270; upp e. dal, Eb. 232; ofan e. dalnum, Nj. 34; ofan e. eyrunum, 143; upp e. eyrunum, 85; innar e. búðinni, 165; út e. þvertrénu, 202; ofan e. reykinum, Eb. 230; inn e. Skeiðum, 224; inn e. Álptafirði, id.; innar e. ísum, 236; inn e. ísum, 316; út e. ísnum, 236; út e. Hafsbotnum, Orkn. 1; e. endilöngu, from one end to another, Fms. x. 16; e. miðju, along the middle, vii. 89.
    2. metaph. after, according to; e. því sem vera ætti, Ld. 66; e. sið þeirra ok lögum, Fms. i. 81; e. þínum fortölum, ii. 32; hann leiddisk e. fortölum hennar, he was led by her persuasion, v. 30; gékk allt e. því sem Hallr hafði sagt, Nj. 256; gékk allt e. því sem honum hafði vitrað verit, all turned out as he had dreamed, Fms. ii. 231; e. minni vísan, i. 71.
    β. denoting proportion, comparison; þó eigi e. því sem faðir hans var, yet not like his father, Eg. 702; fátt manna e. því sem hann var vanr, few men in comparison to what he used to have, Sturl. ii. 253; þat var orð á, at þar færi aðrar e., people said that the rest was of one piece, Ld. 168.
    γ. with verbs denoting imitation, indulgence, longing after, etc.; lifa e. holdi sínu, to live after the flesh, Hom. 25; lifa e. Guði, 73; lifit e. mér, follow after me, Blas. 45; láta e. e-m, to indulge one; mæla e. e-m, to take one’s part, Nj. 26: breyta e. e-m, to imitate; dæma e. e-m, to give a sentence for one, 150; fylgja e. e-m, to follow after one, N. T.; herma e. e-m, to mimic one’s voice and gesture, as a juggler; mun ek þar e. gera sem þér gerit fyrir, I will do after just as you do before, Nj. 90; hann mælti e. ( he repeated the words) ok stefndi rangt, 35; leika e. e-m, to follow one’s lead; telja e., to grudge; langa e., to long after, Luke xxii. 15.
    δ. kalla, heita e. e-m, to name a child after one; kallaði Hákon eptir föður sínum Hákoni, Fms. i. 14; kallaðr e. Mýrkjartani móður-föður sínum, Ld. 108: lcel. now make a distinction, heita í höfuðit á e-m, of a living person, and heita e. e-m, of one deceased.
    III. denoting behind; fundusk e. þeim Írskar bækr, Irish books were found which they had left behind, Landn. (pref.), Fms. xi. 410; draga þik blindan e. sér, vi. 323; bera e-t e. sér, to drag behind one; hann leiddi e. sér hestinn, he led the horse after him, Eg. 766.
    β. as an adv., þá er eigi hins verra e. ván er slíkt ferr fyrir, what worse can come after, when such things went before? Nj. 34.
    2. but chiefly ellipt. or adverb.; láta e., to leave behind, Sturl. i. 60; sitja e., to sit, stay behind, Fms. i. 66; bíða e., to stay behind; vera e., Grett. 36 new Ed., Bs. i. 21; standa e., to stay behind, remain, be left, Fms. ii. 231, vi. 248; dveljask e., to delay, stop, Sturl. ii. 253; leggja e., to lay behind, but liggja e., to lie behind, i. e. be left, Karl. 439; eiga e., to have to do, Nj. 56; ef ekki verðr e., if naught remain behind, Rb. 126; skammt get ek e., þinnar æfi, I guess that little is left of thy life, Nj. 182; þau bjoggu þar e., they remained, stayed there. 25.
    B. WITH ACC., TEMP, after; vetri e. fall Ólafs, Eb. (fine); sextán vetrum e. dráp Eadmundar konungs …, vetrum e. andlát Gregorii, … e. burð Christi, Íb. 18; e. fall jarls, Eg. 297; e. verk þessi, Nj. 85: esp. immediately after, var kom e. vetr, spring came after winter, Eg. 260; hvern dag e. annan, one day after another, Hom. 158; ár e. ár, year after year, Rb. 292; dag e. dag, day after day, Fms. ii. 231; e. þat, or e. þetta, after that, Lat. deinde, deinceps, Nj. 151, Eb. 58, Bs. i. 5, etc. etc.; e. þingit, after the meeting, Eb. 108; e. sætt Eyrbyggja, 252.
    2. denoting succession, inheritance, remembrance, etc.; eptir in this sense is frequent on the Runic stones, to the memory of, after; hón á arf allan e. mik, Nj. 3; tekit í arf e. föður þinn, inherited after thy father, Fms. i. 256; ef skapbætendr eru eigi til e. bauga, i. e. to receive the weregild, Grág. ii. 184; þeir er sektar-fé eiga at taka e. þik, Nj. 230; tók konungdóm e. föður sinn, took the kingdom after his father, Fms. i. 2; Þorkell tók lögsögu e. Þórarinn, Thorkel took the speakership after Thorarin, Íb. ch. 5, cp. ch. 8, 10: metaph., vita þá skömm e. sik, to know that shame [ will be] after one, i. e. leave such a bad report, Ld. 222; skaði mikill er e. menn slíka, there is a great loss in such men, Eg. 93; hann fastaði karföstu e. son sinn, he fasted the lenten fast after his son’s death, Sturl. ii. 231; sonr … e. genginn guma, a son to succeed his deceased father, Hm. 71; mæla e. en, or eiga vígsmál (eptir-mál) e. e-n, to conduct the suit after one if slain, Nj. 254 (freq.), hence eptir-mál; eptir víg Arnkels vóru konur til erfðar ok aðildar, Eb. 194; í hefnd e. e-n, to revenge one’s death, Nj. 118; heimta gjöld e. menn sína, to claim weregild, Fms. viii. 199.
    β. the phrase, vera e. sig, to be weary after great exertion.
    II. used as adv. after; síðan e. á öðrum degi, on the second day thereafter, Hom. 116: síðan e., Lat. deinceps, Fms. x. 210; um várit e., the spring after, Eb. 125 new Ed.; annat sumar e., the second summer after, Nj. 14; annat haust e., Eb. 184; annan dag e., the second day after, Nj. 3; um daginn e., the day after, Fms. vii. 153, Bs. i. 21; næsta mánuð e., Rb. 126.
    β. by placing the adverb. prep. at the beginning the sense becomes different, later; e. um várit, later during the spring, Eb. 98.
    III. used adverb. with the relat. particles er, at; e. er, Lat. postquam, Grág. i. 10; e. at, id., K. Þ. K. 32.
    β. eptir á, afterward; the proverb, eptir (mod. eptir á) koma ósvinnum ráð í hug, the fool is wise too late, Vápn. 17, Fas. i. 98; eptir á, kvað hinn …, ‘ after a bit,’ quoth the …, (a proverb.)

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EPTIR

  • 6

    (gen. fjár), n.
    1) cattle, esp. sheep;
    þeir ráku féit (the sheep) upp á geilarnar;
    gæta fjár, to herd or tend sheep;
    ganganda fé, live stock, opp. to ‘dautt fé’, or ‘liggjanda fé,’ valuables, money;
    2) property, money (hvárt sem fé þat er land eðr annat fé);
    fyrirgøra fé ok fjörvi, to forfeit property and life;
    fé er fjörvi firr, life is dearer than money;
    fé veldr frænda rógi, money makes foes of kinsmen;
    afla sér fjár ok frægðar (frama), to gain wealth and fame;
    hér er fé þat (the money), er Gunnarr greiddi;
    þiggit þat, herra, fé er í því, there is value in it;
    pl. fé (dat. fjám), property, means.
    * * *
    n., irreg. gen. fjár, dat. fé; pl. gen. fjá, dat. fjám; with the article, féit, féinu, féin, mod. féð, fénu, fén: [Lat. pecu; Goth. faihu; A. S. feoh; Engl. fee; Hel. fehu; O. H. G. fehu; Germ. vieh; Dan. fæ; Swed. ]
    I. cattle, in Icel. chiefly sheep; fé né menn, Grett. 101; fjölda fjár, Ld. 210; gæta fjár, to mind sheep, 232; en ef þeir brenna húsin þó at fé manna sé inni, Grág. ii. 164; þeir ráku féit ( the sheep) upp á geilarnar, Ni. 119; kvik-fé, live-stock, q. v.: ganganda fé, id., opp. to dautt fé, dead property, Grág. passim.
    COMPDS: fjárbeit, fjárborg, fjárbreiða, fjárdauði, fjárfellir, fjárfóðr, fjárfæði, fjárfæling, fjárganga, fjárgeymsla, fjárgæzla, fjárhagi, fjárheimtur, fjárhirðir, fjárknappr, fjárhundr, fjárhús, fjárkaup, fjárkláði, fjárnyt, fjárpest, fjárrekstr, fjárréttr, fjársauðr.
    II. property, money; hvárt sem fé þat er land eðr annat fé, Grág. ii. 237: the allit. phrase, fé ok fjörvi, Sl. 1; hafa fyrir gört fé ok fjörvi, to forfeit property and life, Nj. 191: the proverbs, fé er fjörvi firr, life is dearer than money, 124; fé veldr frænda rógi, money makes foes of kinsmen, Mkv. 1. Common sayings, hafa fullar hendr fjár; afla fjár ok frægðar, to gain wealth and fame, Fms. i. 23 (a standing phrase); afla fjár ok frama, Fs. 7, fjár ok virðingar, id.; seint munu þín augu fylld verða á fénu, Gullþ. 7; þú munt ærit mjök elska féit áðr lýkr, id.; lát mík sjá hvárt fé þetta er svá mikit ok frítt, Gísl. 62; at Þorgils tæki við fjám sínum, Fs. 154; fagrt fé, fine money; at þeir næði féinu, Fms. x. 23; þegn af fé, liberal, Ísl. ii. 344; Auðr tekr nú féit, A. took the money, Gísl. 62; hér er fé þat ( the money) er Gunnarr greiddi mér, Nj. 55; fé þat allt er hann átti, Eg. 98; alvæpni en ekki fé annat, Fms. i. 47: skemman var full af varningi, þetta fé …, v. 255; Höskuldr færði fé allt til skips, Nj. 4; hversu mikit fé er þetta, id.; heimta fé sín, Grág. i. 87; þiggit þat herra, fé er í því, there is value in it, Fms. vii. 197.
    COMPDS: fjárafhlutr, fjáraflan, fjárafli, fjárauðn, fjáragirnd, fjárbón, fjárburðr, fjárdráttr, fjárefni, fjáreigandi, fjáreign, fjáreyðsla, fjáreyðslumaðr, fjárfang, fjárfar, fjárforráð, fjárframlag, fjárfundr, fjárgjald, fjárgjöf, fjárgróði, fjárgæzla, fjárgæzlumaðr, fjárhagr, fjárhagamaðr, fjárhald, fjárhaldsmaðr, fjárheimt, fjárhirðsla, fjárhlutr, fjárkaup, fjárkostnaðr, fjárkostr, fjárkrafa, fjárlag, fjárlán, fjárlát, fjárleiga, fjármegin, fjármet, fjármissa, fjármunir, fjárnám, fjárorkumaðr, fjárpína, fjárrán, fjárreiða, fjárreita, fjársaknaðr, fjársekt, fjársjóðr, fjárskaði, fjárskakki, fjárskilorð, fjárskipti, fjárskuld, fjársóan, fjársókn, fjárstaðr, fjártak, fjártal, fjártapan, fjártilkall, fjártillag, fjártjón, fjárupptak, fjárútlát, fjárvarðveizla, fjárvarðveizlumaðr, fjárván, fjárverðr, fjárviðtaka, fjárvöxtr, fjárþarfnaðr, fjárþurð, fjárþurfi.
    B. Fé- in COMPDS, usually in sense II, sometimes in sense I: fé-auðna, u, f. money luck. féauðnu-maðr, m. a man lucky in making money, Band. 4. fé-boð, n. an offer of money, Lv. 62, Fms. v. 26, 369, 656 A. 17; a bribe, Grág. i. 72. fébóta-laust, n. adj. without compensation, Glúm. 358. fé-brögð, n. pl. devices for making money, Fms. xi. 423, 623. 21. fé-bætr, f. pl. payments in compensation, esp. of weregild, opp. to mann-hefndir, Nj. 165, Eg. 106, Fs. 53, 74, Ísl. ii. 386. fé-bættr, part. paid for weregild, Gullþ. 12. fé-drengr, m. an open-handed man, Nj. 177. fé-drjúgr, adj. having a deep purse, Ld. 46. fé-fastr, adj. close-fisted, Ísl. ii. 392, Bs. i. 74. fé-fátt, n. adj. in want of money, Eg. 394, Fms. iii. 180, Hkr. iii. 422. fé-fellir, m. losing one’s sheep, Lv. 91. fé-festi, f. close-fistedness, Grett. 155 C. fé-fletta, tt, to strip one of money, cheat one, Fas. iii. 103, v. l. fé-frekr, adj. greedy for money, Rd. 314. fé-föng, n. pl. booty, plunder, spoil, Fms. iii. 18, vii. 78, Eg. 57, 236, Gullþ. 5, Sks. 183 B. fé-gefinn, part. given for (and to) gain, Band. 4, Valla L. 201. fé-girnd, f. avarice, Hom. 86, Al. 4, Pass. 16. 7, 10. fé-girni, f. = fégirnd, Sks. 358, Band. 11, Sturl. i. 47 C. fégjafa-guð, m. the god of wealth, Edda 55. fé-gjald, n. a payment, fine, Nj. 111, 120, Band. 11, Fms. vii. 248. fé-gjarn, adj. greedy, avaricious, Eg. 336, Fs. 133, Nj. 102, Fms. i. 52, vii. 238. fé-gjöf, f. a gift of money, Fs. 11, 21, Fms. i. 53, xi. 325, Ld. 52. fé-glöggr, f. close-handed, Eb. 158. fé-góðr, adj. good, i. e. current, money, D. N. fé-grið, n. pl. security for property, Grág. ii. 21. fé-gyrðill, m. [early Dan. fägürthil], a money bag, purse, worn on the belt, Gísl. 20, Fbr. 66, Þiðr. 35. fé-gætni, f. saving habits, Glúm. 358. fé-göfugr, adj. blessed with wealth, Ísl. ii. 322. fé-hirðir, m. a shepherd, Fas. i. 518, Fms. viii. 342, Gþl. 501: a treasurer, Hkr. i. 36, Eg. 202, Fms. x. 157, vi. 372, viii. 372. fé-hirzla, u, f. a treasury, Fms. vi. 171, vii. 174, Eg. 237, Hom. 9. féhirzlu-hús, n. a treasure-house, Stj. 154. féhirzlu-maðr, m. a treasurer, Karl. 498. fé-hús, n. = fjós, a stall, D. N. (Fr.): a treasury, Róm. 299. fé-kaup, n. a bargain, N. G. L. i. 9. fé-kátliga, adv., Thom. 403. fé-kátr, adj. proud of one’s wealth, Róm. 126. fé-kostnaðr, m. expenditure, expense, Stj. 512, Fms. iv. 215, xi. 202, Hkr. i. 148. fé-kostr, m. = fékostnaðr, Orkn. 40. fé-krókar, m. pl. money-angles, wrinkles about the eyes marking a greedy man (vide auga), Fms. ii. 84. fé-kvörn, f. a small gland in the maw of sheep, in popular superstition regarded, when found, as a talisman of wealth, vide Eggert Itin. ch. 323. fé-lag, n. fellowship, and fé-lagi, a, m. a fellow, vide p. 151. fé-lauss, adj. penniless, Fms. vi. 272, Fs. 79, Gullþ. 5, Landn. 324 (Mant.) fé-lát, n. loss of money, Landn. 195. fé-leysi, n. want of money, Fms. viii. 20. fé-ligr, adj. valuable, handsome, Fms. viii. 206. fé-lítill, adj. short of money, Eg. 691, Sturl. i. 127 C, Fms. v. 182, vi. 271: of little value, Vm. 74, Jm. 13; fé-minstr, yielding the least income, Bs. i. 432. fé-maðr, m. a monied man, Sturl. i. 171, iii. 97, Dropl. 3. fé-mál, n. money affairs, Nj. 5; a suit for money, Fms. viii. 130, Nj. 15, Grág. i. 83. fé-mikill, adj. rich, monied, Sks. 252, Sturl. i. 171 C: costly, Fms. v. 257, xi. 85, Bs. i. 295, Hkr. iii. 247, Eb. 256: expensive, Korm. 224 (in a verse). fé-mildr, adj. open-handed, Nj. 30. fé-missa, u, f. and fé-missir, m. loss of cattle, Jb. 362: loss of money, Grett. 150 C. fé-munir, m. pl. valuables, Hkr. i. 312, Grág. i. 172, Hrafn. 19, 21, Fms. vi. 298, viii. 342. fé-múta, u, f. a bribe in money, Nj. 215, 251, Gullþ. 7, Fms. v. 312, Bs. i. 839, Thom. 72. fé-mætr, adj. ‘money-worth,’ valuable, Fms. i. 105, Ísl. ii. 154, Orkn. 386. fé-neytr ( fé-nýtr), adj. money-worth, Fms. iv. 340, cp. Hkr. ii. 253. fé-nýta, tt, to turn to account, make use of, Bs. i. 760, Grág. ii. 155. fé-penningr, m. a penny-worth, Bs. i. 757. fé-pína, u, f. a fine, H. E. i. 511. fé-prettr, m. a money trick, N. G. L. i. 123. fé-pynd, f. extortion, Bs. i. 757. fé-ráð, n. pl. advice in money-matters, 656 C. 16. fé-rán, n. plunder, Fs. 9, Fms. vi. 263, Fb. i. 215 (in a verse):—execution, confiscation, in the law phrase, féráns-dómr, m. a court of execution or confiscation to be held within a fortnight after the sentence at the house of a person convicted in one of the two degrees of outlawry, vide Grág. Þ. Þ. ch. 29–33, and the Sagas passim, esp. Hrafn. 21, Sturl. i. 135; cp. also Dasent, Introd. to Burnt Njal. fé-ríkr, adj. rich, wealthy, Fms. ix. 272, Gullþ. 7, Ld. 102, Skálda 203. fé-samr, adj. lucrative, Sturl. i. 68 C. fé-sátt ( fé-sætt), f. an agreement as to payment, of weregild or the like, Grág. i. 136, Nj. 189, Ld. 308. fé-sekr, adj. fined, sentenced to a fine, Grág. i. 393. fé-sekt, f. a fine, Nj. 189, Finnb. 276. fé-sinki, f. niggardliness, Sks. 421, 699. fé-sinkr, adj. niggardly, Sturl. i. 162. fé-sjóðr, m., prop. a bag of money, Band. 6, Fbr. 35 new Ed., Nj. 55, Fas. iii. 194: mod. esp. in pl. a treasury, treasure, in Matth. vi. 20, Col. ii. 3, Heb. xi. 26. fé-skaði, a, m. loss in money, Bs. i, Fs. 4, Fms. iv. 327. fé-skipti, n. a sharing or division of property, Nj. 118, Ld. 134. fé-skjálgr, adj., féskjálg augu, eyes squinting for money, Band. 6. fé-skortr, m. shortness of money, Rd. 284. fé-skuld, f. a money debt, Finnb. 350. fé-skurðr, m. detriment, Ld. 44. fé-skygn, adj. covetous, Fms. v. 263. fé-skylft ( fé-skylmt), n. adj., in the phrase, e-n er f., one has many expenses to defray, Grett. 89, 159, Eb. 98. fé-snauðr, adj. poor in money, penniless, Bs. i. 335. fé-sníkja, u, f. ( fé-sníkni), begging, intruding as a parasite, Sks. 669, 451, 585. fé-snúðr, m. lucre, Band. 5, 655 xi. 4. fé-sparr, adj. sparing, close-handed, Band. 6, Fms. iii. 190. fé-spjöll, n. pl. an απ. λεγ. in Vsp. 23, fee-spells, i. e. spells wherewith to conjure hidden treasures out of the earth, where we propose to read,—valði hón (MS. henne, dat.) Herföðr (dat.) … f. spakleg, she (the Vala) endowed the father of hosts (Odin) with wise fee-spells; the passage in Yngl. S. ch. 7—Óðinn vissi of allt jarðfé hvar fólgit var—refers to this very word; Odin is truly represented as a pupil of the old Vala, receiving from her his supernatural gifts. fé-sterkr, adj. wealthy, Fms. iv. 231, Sks. 274. fé-stofn, m. stock. fé-sæla, u, f. wealth, Hkr. i. 15, Edda 16. fé-sæll, adj. wealthy, Edda 15. fé-sök, f. a suit, action for money, Nj. 15, Grág. i. 138. fé-útlega, u, f. a fine, outlay, N. G. L. i. 85. fé-vani, adj. short of money, Fms. iv. 27. fé-ván, f. expectancy of money, Gullþ. 7, Eg. 241, Fms. iv. 27, Orkn. 208. fé-veizla, u, f. contributions, help, Sks. 261, v. l. fé-vél, n. a trick, device against one’s property, N. G. L. i. 34. fé-víti, n. mulct, Grág. fé-vænliga, adv. in a manner promising profit, Fms. v. 257. fé-vænligr, adj. promising profit, profitable, Sturl. i. 138, Fms. v. 257. fé-vænn, adj. = févænligr, Sturl. i. 138. fé-vöxtr, m. increase in property, gain, Eg. 730. fé-þurfi, adj. in need of money, Eb. 164, Fms. ii. 80, Lv. 108, Fas. i. 392. fé-þúfa, u, f. a ‘money-mound,’ used in the Tales like Fortunatus’ purse; in the phrase, hafa e-n fyrir féþúfu, to use one as a milch cow, to squeeze money out of one. fé-þyrfi and fé-þörf, f. need of money, poverty, Rd. 236. fé-örk, f. a money-chest, 224.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók >

  • 7 ÓÐAL

    (pl. óðul), n. ancestral property, patrimony, inheritance (in land); family homestead; native place; flýja óðul sín, to abandon one’s home, go into exile.
    * * *
    n., pl. óðul; in Norse MSS. it is usually contracted before a vowel (whence arose the forms öðli eðli), and owing to a peculiarity in the Norse sound of ð an r is inserted in contracted forms, örðla, orðlom, N. G. L. passim: [akin to aðal, öðli, eðli, = nature; öðlask = adipisci; oðlingr, q. v.; A. S. êðel = patrimony; it is also the parent word of Germ. edel, adel, = noble, nobility, for the nobility of the earliest Teut. communities consisted of the land-owners. From this word also originated mid. Lat. allodium, prob. by inverting the syllables for the sake of euphony (all-od = od-al); oðal or ethel is the vernacular Teut. form, allodium the Latinised form, which is never found in vernacular writers; it may be that the transposition of syllables was due to the th sound in oðal; and hence, again, the word feudal is a compd word, fee-odal, or an odal held as a fee or feif from the king, and answering to heið-launað óðal of the Norse law (heið = fee = king’s pay), N. G. L. i. 91.]
    B. Nature, inborn quality, property, = aðal, eðli, öðli, q. v.; this seems to be the original sense, þat er eigi at réttu mannsins óðal, Sks. 326 B; þat er helzt byrjar til farmanns óðals, a seaman’s life, 52; þat er kaupmanna óðal (= mercatorum est), 28; jörlum öllum óðal batni, Gh. 21.
    II. a law term, an allodium, property held in allodial tenure, patrimony. The condition which in the Norse law constitutes an oðal was either an unbroken succession from father to son (er afi hefir afa leift) through three or more generations, N. G. L. i. 91, 237, Gþl. 284; or unbroken possession for thirty or more years, N. G. L. i. 249; or sixty years, Gþl. 284; or it might be acquired through brand-erfð (q. v.), through weregild, barn-fóstr (q. v.); and lastly heið-launað óðal, an allodial fief, was granted for services rendered to the king, see N. G. L. i. 91: the oðal descended to the son, and was opp. to útjarðir ( out-lands), and lausa-fé ( movables), which descended to the daughter, Gþl. 233; yet even a woman, e. g. a baugrygr (q. v.), could hold an oðal, in which case she was called óðals-kona, 92, jörð komin undir snúð ok snældu = an estate come under the rule of the spindle, N. G. L. i. 237; the allit. phrase, arfr ok óðal, 31, Gþl. 250: brigða óðal, N. G. L. i. 86; selja óðal, to sell one’s óðal, 237. The oðal was in a certain sense inalienable within a family, so that even when parted with, the possessor still retained a title (land-brigð, máldagi á landi). In the ancient Scandin. communities the inhabited land was possessed by free oðalsmen (allodial holders), and the king was the lord of the people, but not of the soil. At a later time, when the small communities were merged into great kingdoms, through conquest or otherwise, the king laid hold of the land, and all the ancient oðals were to be held as a grant from the king; such an attempt of king Harold Fairhair in Norway and the earls of Orkney in those islands is recorded in Hkr. Har. S. Hárf. ch. 6, Eg. ch. 4, cp. Ld. ch. 2, Orkn. ch. 8, 30, 80 (in Mr. Dasent’s Ed.); cp. also Hák. S. Goða ch. 1. Those attempts are recorded in the Icel. Sagas as acts of tyranny and confiscation, and as one of the chief causes for the great emigration from the Scandinavian kingdoms during the 9th century (the question of free land here playing the same part as that of free religion in Great Britain in the 17th century). The attempt failed in Norway, where the old oðal institution remains in the main to the present day. Even the attempts of king Harold were, according to historians (Konrad Maurer), not quite analogous to what took place in England after the Conquest, but appear to have taken something like the form of a land-tax or rent; but as the Sagas represent it, it was an attempt towards turning the free odal institution into a feudal one, such as had already taken place among the Teutons in Southern Europe.
    III. gener. and metaph. usages, one’s native land, homestead, inheritance; the land is called the ‘oðal’ of the reigning king, á Danr ok Danpr dýrar hallir, æðra óðal, en ér hafit, Rm. 45; eignask namtú óðal þegna, allan Noreg, Gauta spjalli, Fms. vi. 26 (in a verse); banna Sveini sín óðul, St. Olave will defend his óðal against Sweyn, 426 (in a verse); flýja óðul sín, to fly one’s óðal, go into exile, Fms. iv. 217; flýja óðul eðr eignir, vii. 25; koma aptr í Noreg til óðala sinna, 196; þeim er þar eru útlendir ok eigi eigu þar óðul, who are strangers and not natives there, Edda 3; öðlask Paradísar óðal, the inheritance of Paradise, 655 viii. 2; himneskt óðal, heavenly inheritance, Greg. 68; njóta þeirra gjafa ok óðala er Adam var útlægr frá rekinn, Sks. 512: allit., jarl ok óðal, earl (or franklin) and odal, Gh. 21.
    2. spec. phrase, at alda óðali, for everlasting inheritance, i. e. for ever and ever, D. N. i. 229: contr., at alda öðli, id., Grág. i. 264, D.I. i. 266; til alda óðals, for ever, iii. 88: mod., frá, alda öðli, from time immemorial.
    C. COMPDS: óðalsborinn, óðalsbréf, óðalsbrigð, óðalsjörð, óðalskona, óðalsmaðr, óðalsnautr, óðalsneyti, óðalsréttr, óðalsskipti, óðalstuptir, óðalsvitni.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÓÐAL

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